Workers Safety


In January 2016 CECE joined the EU funded project ‘Working Safer with Construction Machines – a Multi-Stakeholder Approach’, promoting a better dialogue within the construction industry with regard to worker-machine safety on construction sites. Together with the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) and the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) CECE aimed at improving the safety and health conditions when working with construction machinery. The project was carried out within five workshops focused on: access to the machines and other person related aspects of ergonomics, operator’s visibility, quick couplers, safety on construction sites when using earth-moving machinery, training of operators and other workers and safety in general.

Main objectives

The overall objective of the project was to increase workplace safety and health by direct collaboration between producers and users of specific types of machinery. The project aimed at improving the influence of stakeholders in the standardisation process, mainly by providing specific information on aspects relevant for the health and safety of workers, but also on topics that deal with European Standards.

Key results

The key results from the project were collaborated by a group of experts representing manufacturers, users, workers and employers. Four fact sheets on Standardisation, Ergonomics, Collision Avoidance and Worksite Organisation/Training were elaborated during the course of the workshops. The factsheets give direct instructions to practitioners from both sides, the user in the construction sector and the designer in the manufacturing companies.

The Memorandum of Understanding formulates a number of expectations from the European legislator, mainly aiming at a better involvement of all stakeholders in the European standardisation process and reflects the common understanding of CECE, EFBWW and FIEC. The Memorandum of Understanding also documents the partners’ goal for a closer cooperation between the two concerned sectors - constructing and the machinery producing metal sector.


Working safer with construction machines EN 
Travailler plus en sécurité avec les machines de construction FR
Sicherer arbeiten mit Baumaschinen DE 
Lavorare in modo più sicuro con le macchine da construzione IT 
Trabajo más seguro con máquinas para la construcción ES
Trabalhar de forma mais segura com máquinas de construção PT
??-????????? ?????? ??? ?????????? ?????? BG
Bezpieczniejsza praca z maszynami budowlanymi PL
Sigurniji rad s gradevinskim strojevima HR