Road Circulation


Due to a lack of harmonisation in the European Union's Single Market, each Member State in Europe is able to define their own rules to ensure an appropriate level of safety for mobile machines circulating on public roads. Member States have each specified and implemented these requirements at national level to address general safety concerns. The variety of those national requirements represents a disproportionate and unjustified economic and administrative burden for the mobile machinery industry.

CECE Comments

CECE, together with the European associations CEMA (agricultural machinery), EGMF (garden equipment), EUnited Municipal Equipment and FEM (material handling equipment) welcomes the current European Commission’s initiative to address the problem concerning the lack of harmonisation of on-road circulation requirements for mobile machinery. This future EU legislation should harmonise the road circulation requirements for mobile machinery, mitigating one of the last remaining gaps in the European Union's Single Market and to review any legislative inconsistencies applying to industrial products to which the European Commission has committed itself to.



CECE Position Paper - Road circulation requirements for mobile machinery