Our work


The daily tasks of the Committee for European Construction Equipment (CECE) are managed by the CECE office in Brussels, consisting of two technical policy officers, supporting staff for administration and communications, and the secretary general. The team’s work is supported and supervised by the Board, composed of the managing directors of the thirteen national construction equipment associations that are the members of CECE. The Board meets four to five times each year. Twice a year, the CECE General Assembly gathers the presidents of the national member associations, who discuss the CECE work programme, review the organisation’s achievements, set priorities and approve the work of the Board and CECE office. Moreover, the General Assembly approves the budget and accounts, and settles statutory issues.

The General Assembly is chaired by the CECE president, seconded by a first and second vice president, each elected for 2 years. The president is also the first CECE representative in external relations, supported by the secretary general. 

The work of CECE is organised by topics as well as products. The work on topics is handled by Commissions supported by dedicated Project Teams for specific tasks.  Topics relevant for a particular range of products are handled via Product Groups. The organisation and proper functioning of the Commissions, Teams and Groups, as well as the timely interaction and consultation between them, is initiated and coordinated by the CECE Office.

The High-Level Technical Policy Advisory Group (HLTPAG) consists of CTOs of companies with a strong interest in European topics, nominated by the national member associations. The group advises CECE with regard to strategic positioning, sector priorities and industry positions on technical and environmental subjects. The group’s members support the advocacy work of CECE through speaking engagements or participation in meetings with policy makers.

The Technical Commission (TC) brings together a wide variety of technical experts from national associations and companies. They review the work of the Project Teams (PTs) and discuss technical topics not covered by a specific PT. The TC is also a platform to inform non-PT members about the ongoing work.

The Trade Policy Commission (TPC) of CECE focuses on international trade, economic policy and internal market issues, including market surveillance, intellectual property rights and counterfeiting.

For advise on and support of the CECE advocacy strategy, CECE regularly calls on the company representatives that are operating in the EU capital, the Brussels Network

Product Groups (PG) consist of industry representatives manufacturing the same type of equipment. They meet to exchange information - in accordance with European regulations and laws on competition - and to promote technical and economic co-operation.

CECE's Statistical Commission (SC) brings together statistical and market experts from member associations and companies in order to optimise the statistical service of CECE. The representatives of CECE's Statistical Commission together with representatives of the sister associations from Japan, Korean and North-America form the Intercontinental Statistical Committee (ISC), which takes care of the worldwide statistical systems for the construction equipment industry.


CECE is the acknowledged partner of the institutions of the European Union for all questions related to construction equipment and the construction equipment industry. It represents the views of its member associations and their companies in the legislative and political process. CECE co-operates with CEN and ISO, the European and International Committees for standardisation.

CECE also maintains contacts with other Trade Associations from related sectors.
CECE represents the European industry within a network of the worldwide associations for the construction equipment industry, especially together with the Associations from China, Japan, Korea and North-America.

Influencing EU technical legislation

CECE monitors upcoming European legislation, forms an industry position on the relevant subjects and actively communicates the view of the industry to the European legislators. In the opposite direction, CECE initiates legislation and other processes to harmonize the European markets and enable fair competition.

The promotion of international standards and safety regulations in co-operation with CEN and ISO is a major task for CECE, as well as the development of test procedures and nomenclatures.

Economics and Statistics

CECE organizes a number of European statistics providing up-to-date market data for many types of construction equipment. Together with the sister associations from Japan, Korea and North America. CECE operates a worldwide statistical system.

In addition, CECE informs its members about market developments and the economic situation of the industry. CECE organises a monthly enquiry about the economic climate of the sector called CECE Barometer and publishes a quarterly Economic Bulletin.


CECE cooperates with a limited number of leading global and international exhibitions. The co-operation aims at contributing to successful exhibitions that meet the demands of the construction equipment industry. By providing information about exhibitions, CECE helps smaller manufacturers to identify relevant exhibitions to promote their products in non-European countries.

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