Thank you to our sponsors for supporting CECE Congress 2024

We are pleased to extend a large thank you to the sponsors of CECE Congress 2024. Their generous support helps bring the event to life and make it the large success we expect it to be.

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We would like to individually thank our Gold Partner DLL Group, our Technical Forum Partner Deutz, our Coffee Breaks Partner CSPI-EXPO, as well as our supporters: ASEAMAC, AUSA, Blumaq, DICSA, Finanzauto, Hidromek, Implaser, ITA, Putzmeister, Ritchie Bros., Roquet, SANY, SMOPYC, and Solintal. Last but not least, we thank our Media Partner Construction Europe.

The theme of the Reindustrializing Europe is an important one, especially in the wake of the EU elections, and these sponsorships have been instrumental in putting together an event that will bring attention to the topic and its challenges and opportunities. We and our sponsors hope to see you all there.

For more information, please visit this page.



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