Market Intelligence: CECE invited to share insight at national seminar
Like every year in December, EVOLIS – CECE’s French member association – hosted its forecasting workshop to understand and discuss the tendences for the year to come. CECE’s Secretary General Riccardo Viaggi was once again associated to this meeting to offer the European perspective and the impact of policy drivers.
Sharing the CECE business climate index, Riccardo Viaggi presented the expectations for the year’s end. He elaborated on the realistic outcome of double digit decrease in machinery sales, which would avert the worst-case scenario of -25/30%.
During his presentation, Riccardo Viaggi highlighted the enormous uncertainties still remaining from Brexit. This will have a negative impact on the business confidence and market performance, given the weight of the UK market, both in terms of sales and manufacturing of construction equipment.
Another driver of potential impact that was highlighted by CECE is the new approach to EU-US relations. Indeed, taking into account the recent contacts between the two sides of the Atlantic, it is probable that most of the tensions will appease. However, what remains to be seen is the concrete impact this may have in re-building trust in rule-based global trade and push back against the protectionist tendencies, which are becoming visible in Europe and US.
Of particular interest in 2021 is the impact of governmental stimulus packages, which the EU has put on the table since summer 2020 under the name of Recovery Plan. Mr Viaggi elaborated on the setup, which awarded a fundamental consultation role to national stakeholders to identify the funding priorities, also for the construction sector. He has highlighted some information collected during the 2nd December Construction 2050 Alliance workshop, which focused on the national Recovery Plans of Greece, France, Germany and Croatia – more info here.
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