E-Privacy regulation – Hands off M2M communication!
BRUSSELS - In view of the 12 October vote in the LIBE Committee on the E-Privacy regulation, CECE urges MEPs to breathe some practical common sense into the proposal by excluding Machine-To-Machine communication, such as those happening on jobsites.
As highlighted in CECE’s position paper dating from mid-September, there is a clear misunderstanding and a series of unintended consequences in the Commission’s proposal, which the Parliament must clarify. To this end, CECE strongly supports MEP Maydell IMCO Opinion, as well as the position of EPP and ECR shadow rapporteurs MEP Boni and MEP Dalton. Indeed, we are of the opinion that freedom of contract should be the basis of business-to-business relations concerning data exchange. Finally, such an extension of the scope is incompatible with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in relation to which the E-Privacy Regulation is a lex specialis, as the GDPR covers exclusively personal data.
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