Come and discuss the skills in construction equipment!
BRUSSELS – CECE Working Breakfast in the European Parliament, hosted by MEP Brando Benifei is going to take place on 22nd November from 8h00 to 9h30 in the Member's Salon of the European Parliament. The event is organised in the framework of European Commission's 'European Vocational Skills Week 2017'!
Join the discussion with representatives from both European Parliament and Commission, CECE and FIEC Presidents on the operation, maintanance and STEM skills in the construction equipment sector!

8h00 Opening statement
Brando Benifei MEP, Member of the Employment Committee
8h05 Introduction of CECE: Sectoral Needs & Challenges regarding Skills
Riccardo Viaggi, CECE Secretary General
8h10 Industry needs to ‘Think Big’: Presentation of the Project
Bernd Holz, CECE President
8h20 Skills Change on Construction Sites
Jean-Louis Marchand, FIEC President
8h30 e-Skills & Education for Digital Jobs
Lucilla Sioli, DG CONNECT, Head of Unit
8h40 Primary Engineer: STEM Education
Susan Scurlock, Chief Executive & Founder of Primary Engineer
8h50 Best Practices from Rental Companies
Carole Bachmann, ERA Manager
9h00 Debate with the audience
9h25 Concluding Remarks
Brando Benifei MEP, Member of the Employment Committee
The aim of the event is to debate about training and upskilling for the manufacturing and construction sector and find ways to progress through cooperation and coordination of all interested parties. The debate is open to everyone and will feature input speeches from machinery manufacturers, construction contractors, national and European stakeholders from the VET and STEM sectors.
To register yourself, please fill in this form and send it back to by Monday 16th November.
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