Pierre-Nicola Fovini

CEO of Finanzauto

Pierre-Nicola Fovini, Chairman of CGT Edilizia in Italy, CEO of Finanzauto SA in Spain and President of STET SA in Portugal.  

Fovini debuted his career in 1991 with a degree in Economic Sciences (University of Lausanne), and an IMD MBA. Since then, he has undertaken diverse marketing and management roles at Caterpillar and its multinational dealers, inter alia. In 2009, Fovini joined the TESYA Group and has served there as Strategic Planning Manager since 2011. He was also elected as CEO of Finanzauto SA in Spain and Vice President of STET SA in Portugal in 2018, where he has led both companies to remarkable growth in just six years. 

Nicola is committed to the development of people, companies, and communities involved in the construction industry. He is an expert in providing security in the face of uncertainty, adaptation to change, and determination towards innovation. 

Interested in business planning, he focuses on the re-industrialization of the country, international relations, and infrastructure development. 


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