Juan Manuel Altstadt

Vice President of Sobratema

- Degree in Geology from Universidade de São Paulo USP, Brazil

- Vice President of SOBRATEMA since 1988

- Director of Herrenknecht, sales manager for Argentina. Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela and Chile since 2008

- 1984 to 1990 Director of Aguabras Ltda., a company specialising in drilling wells and foundations

- 1990 to 1996 Director of ASSERC Ltda., a company specialising in the sale of machines and equipment for civil work construction

- 1996 to 2000 Director of PERI Brasil Ltda., a manufacturer of formwork and scaffolding systems

- 2000 to 2008 Director of ASSERC Ltda., a company specialising in the sale of machines and equipment for civil work construction

- 2008 to today Director of Herrenknecht

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