Esther Yuste

Current MD of BIG GLOBAL & former CEO of EPSA International (2007-2022)

Esther Yuste is an engineer by training with over 25 years of professional experience, 20 of which have been dedicated to senior management positions. Recognized for defining, leading, and managing multidisciplinary teams that have enabled the company where she worked (EPSA Internacional, S.A.) to stand out as a leader in its sector. 

She has developed and implemented forward-looking strategies, achieving a notable track record of successful projects, market expansion, acquisition of new clients, and the implementation of innovative methodologies and work criteria. 

Currently, she serves as the Managing Director at BIG GLOBAL, a tailor-made consultancy specialized in customized solutions for earthmoving, particularly in mining. In this position, she continues to apply her extensive experience in management and strategic direction to offer high-quality services tailored to the specific needs of each of her clients. 

As part of her commitment to diversity and natural leadership, she is an active member of Women in Mining Chile (WIM Chile), focused on raising the visibility and promoting the role of women in the industry through natural leadership based on authority and interpersonal communication and management skills, aligning sustainable goals with market demands. Her approach centres on fostering an inclusive and equitable environment, promoting authentic and effective leadership without imposing it. 


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